Positive Behavior Intervention & Support
What is PBIS? Positive Behavior Intervention & Support (PBIS) is a system designed is to decrease office referrals and increase student success. By positively redirecting students toward desired behaviors, we build on a framework that encourage students to self-monitor, therefore increasing academic and behavior outcomes for all students.
What are our 3 B's? Be safe, Be Responsible, and Be Respectful.
- These elements are guided by six important principles:
- Develop a continuum of scientifically based behavior and academic interventions and supports
- Use data to make decisions and solve problems
- Arrange the environment to prevent the development and occurrence of problem behavior
- Teach and encourage prosocial skills and behaviors
- Implement evidence-based behavioral practices with fidelity and accountability
- Screen universally and monitor student performance & progress continuously
What Outcomes are Associated with Implementation of PBIS?
Schools that establish systems with the capacity to implement PBIS with integrity and durability have teaching and learning environments that are
- Less reactive, aversive, dangerous, and exclusionary, and
- More engaging, responsive, preventive, and productive
- Address classroom management and disciplinary issues (e.g., attendance, tardies, antisocial behavior),
- Improve supports for students whose behaviors require more specialized assistance (e.g., emotional and behavioral disorders, mental health), and
- Most importantly, maximize academic engagement and achievement for all students.
What is a Continuum of PBIS?
PBIS schools organize their evidence-based behavioral practices and systems into an integrated collection or continuum in which students experience supports based on their behavioral responsiveness to intervention. A three-tiered prevention logic requires that all students receive supports at the universal or primary tier. If the behavior of some students is not responsive, more intensive behavioral supports are provided, in the form of a group contingency (selected or secondary tier) or a highly individualized plan (intensive or tertiary tier).